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標題: [歐美][劇情][一個跳蚤的自傳 (1976)] [AVI/1.25G][英語]
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註冊 2013-10-25
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[歐美][劇情][一個跳蚤的自傳 (1976)] [AVI/1.25G][英語]

[歐美][劇情][一個跳蚤的自傳 (1976)] [AVI/1.25G][英語]


片名: The Autobiography of a Flea
導演: Sharon McNight
主演: Jean Jennings , John Holmes , Paul Thomas , Dale Meador , Annette Haven , John Leslie , Joanna Hilden , Mitch Mandell , John Rolling , Michael Dolan , Ken Scudder , John Tate , Maxine McNight , Kristen Huston , Max Mitchell
制片國家/地區: 美國
類別: Adult 喜劇 劇情
格式: AVI 1.25GB
語言: 英語
字幕: N/A
上映日期: 1976
IMDB鏈接: 遊客無法瀏覽此圖片或下載點,請先註冊或登入會員。



Set in the 1800′s, a tiny flea narrates the sex escapades it sees from afar whom is Belle, a 14-year-old girl who lives with her controlling uncle. Father Ambrose is a young unscrupulous priest from her local parish whom decides to take advantage of Belle’s naiveness to seduce her and teams up with Belle’s uncle to exploit Belle’s newly aroused sexuality. Meanwhile, Belle’s best friend Julie has problems with her own life when her parents ignore her for their own sexual encounters, and she is pursued by the very endowned Father Clement, one of Father Ambrose’s associates, who also wants to satisfy his carnal urges.






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