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標題: [旮①茦類][笢恅趼躉][AVI/969M][2015澈弊癹秶撰]
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Rank: 1

會員編號 504201
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積分 686
帖子 348
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性別  男
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閱讀權限 50
註冊 2015-2-12
註冊天數 3679
狀態 離線
  只顯示 liyys 的帖子
發表於 2015-7-21 10:16 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 

▽荌ええ靡▼ㄩ旮①茦類 Touch By Touch [笢恅趼躉]
▽す歙啐r▼ㄩ∴∴∴∴∵↙4.5 褷陎.  (飪國啐r)
▽奻茬梪琚縛:奻茬梪: 2015-04-30(璯)
▽荌え湮苤▼ㄩ969 MB
▽荌え跡宒▼ㄩAVI  (D9↙滖秶AVI)
▽螿虴彆▼ㄩ1072X600  (ь朐唳)
▽翋栳栳T▼ㄩ偝饑儔 Ha Na-kyeong / 撿秷傖 Koo Ji-sung / Hwang Chan-woo / Lee Jae-hyeok.  脹.
▽n偶腔縑縛1AVI+14Dえ  (意赽衄D)
▽惤意追秞▼ㄩ璯惤追秞. 闚笢恅趼躉.
▽荌え搳縛r娊.傖 .﹊.炰.俶.①伎.裀. 脹.
▽狟徭馱撿▼ㄩ蚚 BitComet 狟徭.
▽隙葡蜇偟▼ㄩ↗祥炰森倰氪赻薺, 昦隙葡p侘鄙撩腔o謐晟啅!!
▽意赽ぶ癹▼ㄩ俇30意摽5毞祥隅ぶ娗意 (3筥摽hn)



      囡藝(Koo Ji-sung)睿紩昝(Ha Na-kyeong)飲岆D直Y駁腔躓芄界た毚J樼埮碩澀h飲祥夔覜忳善俶M逋ㄛ黺岆紩昝憩囡藝件w陔腔俶棧慾﹝坴婓珨棒俶蛩s笢ㄛ庲舑賸鏍迻ㄛ奧鏍迻珩o楊M逋坴腔俶剒⑴ㄛ秪坴腔俶j婓怮轄賸﹝鏍迻埣顈蝗菇畋偞楊蚚郔疑r嶲睿華cㄛ珩o黺岈ㄛ黺岆鏍迻祥腕祥梑坻腔攬衭ㄛ珨れ竀蒶ㄛ橧侗虮о坴腕善詢陰俶M逋ㄛ筍岆ㄛ坴善菁岆婓ら咡饒虳捄纂補嚭R★儸?......


﹛﹛The first ever intimate experience!
﹛﹛Seon-mi (Koo Ji-sung) hands a name card to Joo-hee (Ha Na-kyeong) who is about to get married, saying that she'll be able to feel sexual satisfaction like never before. Joo-hee experiences something new and starts expressing her rising emotions to her fiance despite the time and place. Unlike Joo-hee who is enjoying this, Min-woo is getting tired. He tries to satisfy her to the best of his abilities and even asks for advice from friends but it's not enough. What is that place that has her upside down like this?.......

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