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註冊 2009-7-23
註冊天數 5711
狀態 離線
Finax 50片(10片x5 Generic Propecia) / 50天Finasteride用量
可以 HSBC過數:
日期 :
存款/轉賬 收據的交易參考號碼 (ref.code) :
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有意pm或email: hairwayshop@gmail.com
【產品規格】 $1盒 - HKD $200元 2盒 - HKD $170元/每盒 4盒 - HKD $160元/每盒 8盒 - HKD $150元/每盒 (每盒)每盒50片(5板×10片)。每片含量為1MG Finasteride。
【服用方法】 口服:1mg/次,1次/天,3個月為一療程。
印度學名藥廠給歐美大藥廠的衝擊,不只是瓜分市場利潤,也讓這些大藥廠瞭解到降低製造成本、提高生產力的重要,而紛紛與印度學名藥廠尋求合作的方式。之前印度政府對藥品是不給予專利的,但在2005年,印度修訂了專利法,提供藥品的專利保護,也加速了歐美跨國藥廠與其合作的腳步,如Dr.Reddy藥廠(遊客無法瀏覽此圖片或下載點,請先註冊或登入會員。) 獲得默沙東藥廠(Merck)授權,趕在下列藥物在美國當地的專利到期前,與默沙東簽訂合約,得以製造並販售包括了降低降低膽固醇、三酸甘油脂用藥素果錠 Simvastatin (Zocor)、以及我們再熟悉也不過的:治療攝護腺肥大的波斯卡Proscar、治療雄性禿的柔沛Propecia。說到這裡,還對印度學名藥廠所生產的藥感到懷疑嗎?我想最後的質疑,都隨著美國藥物暨食品管理局FDA在2006年7月許可了Finax(Generic Propecia, 保康絲學名藥)的功效而讓人無法辯駁了。
Product:Finax (Generic Propecia)
Generic Name:Finasteride (1mg)
Packaging Type:Box containing 10 x 1mg tablets
Manufacturer:Dr Reddy's
Finax is Generic Propecia made in India by Dr Reddy's. Generic Propecia is the most popular treatment for hairloss (Male Pattern Baldness). Each Finax tablet contains 1mg of finasteride, the same as Propecia.
Finax (Generic Propecia) is a product for men that can prevent further hairloss and increase hair growth. The active ingredient Finasteride, blocks the formation of DHT (one of the male hormones that causes hairloss), and gives the hair follicles a chance to recover and grow.
Generic Propecia should be taken once tablet daily, with or without meals.
In general use, the following side effects of generic propecia have been reported infrequently: allergic reactions including rash, itching, hives and swelling of the lips and face, problems with ejaculation, breast tenderness and enlargement, and testicular pain. A small number of men experienced certain sexual side effects. These men reported one or more of the following: less desire for sex; difficulty in achieving an erection; and, a decrease in the amount of semen. Each of these side effects occurred in less than 2% of men.
The effectiveness of generic propecia may vary from person to person. Finax (Generic Propecia) lowers readings of the PSA screening test for prostate cancer. If you're scheduled to have your PSA level checked, make sure the doctor knows you're taking Finax (Generic Propecia). It may take several months for the Finax (Generic Propecia) to work. Do not stop taking this medicine without checking with your doctor. Stopping this medicine will result in a return within 12 months to the same amount of baldness as when you started. Women who are or may potentially be pregnant must not use Finax (Generic Propecia) and should not handle crushed or broken tablets of Finax (Generic Propecia). If a woman who is pregnant with a male baby absorbs the active ingredient in Finax (Generic Propecia), either by swallowing or through the skin, it may cause abnormalities of a male baby sex organs.
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