
會員編號 165144
積分 32710
帖子 16512
威望 0 點
I-See幣 89364 錢
GAME幣 3617 個
MSN宣傳 26 次
配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 120
註冊 2006-5-17
註冊天數 6865
狀態 離線
范逸臣-Don't Wanna(電影海角七號)
So many time I've tired
Put in my heart and soul
Never good enough for you
I'm sick of all your lies
It's time to realize
I'm better off without you
Not wanna waste my time and my life
To settle in your dreams
Don't wanna be a fool and a slave
To satisfy your needs
Your said it's over
It's never over
It's time for something new
I tried so hard
To get this over
To follow something new
So many time I've tired
Put in my heart and soul
Never good enough for you
I'm sick of all your lies
It's time to realize
I'm better off without you
Don't wanna be a fool and a slave
To satisfy your needs
Not wanna waste my time and my life
To settle in your dreams
Your said it's over
It's never over
It's time for something new
I tried so hard
To get this over
To follow something new
Your said it's over
It's never over
It's time for something new
I tried so hard
To get this over
To follow something new

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