
會員編號 99569
積分 9350
帖子 4223
威望 8 點
I-See幣 355568 錢
GAME幣 6222 個
MSN宣傳 0 次
配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 100
註冊 2006-1-8
註冊天數 7003
來自 香港
狀態 離線
long time no see
i'm working on the coursework(artifact only) recently
it's quite fun for me although my eyes will be very tired afterwards
and i hvn't written the portfolio yet
let's go for it together
icon 1-1 the brush on risako's face is quite weird
1-3 risako's face seems to be too red
2-3 2-4 the overall design is not so matched
1-3 2-5 will be the best among the first two rows
i dun like the designs of others at all @__@
the colorings aren't so good :p
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