會員編號 329924
積分 12960
帖子 4114
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I-See幣 10231 錢
GAME幣 245 個
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配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 100
註冊 2007-6-6
註冊天數 6481
狀態 離線
Sweetbox - Read My Mind
(Verse 1)
In your eyes you look so weary
Fighting light with dark and dreary
And even though you can't hear me
I'll still sing
You go to church and pray on Sunday
You think your sins are cleaned that way
Don't know forgiveness just begins with you
If you could read my mind
Just read my mind
Then you could see what's behind my eyes
If you could read my mind
Get your hands untied
Cause the battlefield is tired
(Verse 2)
Get a little bit stupid sometimes
Get a little bit jealous sometimes
Sometimes I'll be unfair but that's just me
But I know that I'm not hiding
And I won't let your chains bind me
Because perfection is not the point of this
(Chorus Twice)
If the love made sense
Then I think there would be a book
To tell us who is really right and wrong
But I don't want something simple
I don't want to sing a normal song
Let's just close our eyes and let it be
Cause the battlefield is tired
(Repeat Chorus)
Let's just close our eyes and let it be
Cause the battlefield is tired
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