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標題: [真心想大家比意見]Dark Blue Tennesee - Taylor swift
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會員編號 435053
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註冊 2009-3-27
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  只顯示 metta 的帖子
發表於 2011-1-13 07:30 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
[真心想大家比意見]Dark Blue Tennesee - Taylor swift

你哋好A 我叫metta
第一次喺le 度po 歌, 希望可以識到D知音人la
請狠評! 唔該晒!!我係真心想大家比意見GA:)
p.s. 我搵咗好耐都係得le 首bgm... D聲唔係幾好

附: 我真係冇po錯版... 真係我唱... 原唱把聲靚過我幾十倍, 技巧好過我幾千倍!!!!!

You said I've got me
a nice new apartment
In the city wouldn't you have hated that

I'm getting by with a broken heart
you left me with
He hangs up the phone
and she wispers back:

"Missing you like this is such sweet sorrow
Won't you come back to me
I'll be here today
and here tommorow
in Dark Blue Tennessee"

He was lying when he said he moved to L.A.
He's just hiding out
on the other side of town
With his head in his hands
and she's just 7 miles away
he's starring out the window and puts her picture down saying:

"Missing you like this is such sweet sorrow
Won't you come back to me
I'll be here today
and here tommorow
in Dark Blue Tennessee"

she almost called him on the night that he wrote
these civil words on his goodbye note:

"Missing you like this is such sweet sorrow
Won't you come back to me
I'll be here today
and here tommorow
in Dark Blue Tennessee
in Dark Blue Tennessee"

[ 本帖最後由 metta 於 2011-1-14 05:23 PM 編輯 ]

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  只顯示 Kuuga-K 的帖子
發表於 2011-1-14 03:17 AM  資料  主頁 短消息  加為好友 

I-See Forum @ All rights reserved.

會員編號 435053
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註冊 2009-3-27
註冊天數 5827
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  只顯示 metta 的帖子
發表於 2011-1-14 05:14 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
吓... 真係我自己唱ga...
你唔信可以聽吓原唱... 原唱好聽好多...
同埋我個bgm音質好差... 你唔信我我可以再po多幾首以前錄ge上嚟ga..
同埋個dark blue tennesee個"tennesee"我發錯咗音... 我唱咗做teenesee...

[ 本帖最後由 metta 於 2011-1-14 05:16 PM 編輯 ]

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