Nizoral (仁山利舒) 200ML洗髮水 外國最受推崇的防脫洗髮水
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【產品規格】 $280一瓶 200ML(7Oz) 含 ketoconazole(酮康唑)1%。
【使用方法】 充分按摩頭皮3至5分鐘後,再以清水洗淨。每次用量約掌心容量即可。治療頭皮屑及脂溢性皮膚炎時,每週應使用兩次(約三天使用一次),並持續使用二至四周。預防復發時,每週或隔周使用一次即可。
【適用症狀】 頭皮屑、脂溢性皮炎
台灣網站有關這款洗髮水的介紹:毫無疑問地,仁山利舒是目前市面上最有效的洗髮精,不僅能控制搔癢,也能夠控制任何你察覺不到的潛在發炎現象,同時也能幫助促進較細小的毛髮生長。在我們知道的洗髮精中,沒有其他洗髮精可以達到這些功能。Tgel 是另一個好的選擇,可是任何治療都不應該缺少仁山利舒。你可以在任何一家商店的洗髮精區找到仁山利舒,通常在最後面,在落健的旁邊。我們建議我們所有的使用者每三天使用一次。當你在洗澡時,立即塗抹上,在洗澡期間使之滲透。
【副作用】 具有良好的耐受性,但與其它洗髮精一樣,在極少數情形下,可能有灼熱感、搔癢、刺激、頭髮變油或變干的狀況。如有任何副作用,請洽詢醫生或藥師。
【注意事項】 懷孕與授乳-其藥效成分不會滲入皮膚,但使用前最好洽詢醫生或藥師
Nizoral 1% Study Shows Benefits for Androgenetic Alopecia
March 04, 2001 - American Academy of Dermatology Meeting - Washington DC - Scientists working for McNeil, makers of Nizoral anti-dandruff shampoo, presented the findings of a study done on 1% Nizoral shampoo which has good news for hair loss sufferers. It has long been known that 2% prescription Nizoral has beneficial effects on Androgenic Alopecia (MPB). It however has been unclear whether the same benefits can be obtained by using the non-prescription 1% version. Nizoral anti dandruff shampoo has positive effects for hair loss.
In the study presented (see below), one hundred male volunteers with mild to moderate dandruff and somewhat oily scalp, were using, in a double-blind fashion, either a 1% Nizoral shampoo or a 1% zinc pyrithione shampoo, 2-3 times a week for 6 months.
Analysis of the different parameters set up in the study shows that the hair diameter gradually increased with Nizoral use (+8.46%) over a 6 month period, whereas the diameter showed a trend to decrease with zinc pyrithione use over the same period (-2.28%). The sebum excretion rate was reduced with Nizoral (-6.54%) while it increased with zinc pyrithione (+8.2%) over the same period of time. The number of hair shed over a 24-hour period was reduced by 16.46% with Nizoral and 6.02% with zinc pyrithione after 6 months. Finally, the percentage hairs in anagen phase increased by 6.4% and 8.4% respectively during the study time.
The results are similar to a previous study done on 2% prescription strength Nizoral where it was shown that use of 2% Nizoral yielded a 7% average increase in hair shaft diameter similar to what was achieved by the control group using 2% Minoxidil and a non-medicated shampoo.
So for any hair loss sufferer, this research clearly indicates that using 1% or 2% Nizoral 2-3 times per week, will have positive effects on hair growth as well as controlling dandruff. It is still unclear at this time whether it's the anti-fungal properties or the anti-androgenic properties of Ketokonazole (active ingredient in Nizoral) thats responsible for the hair thickening effects, however because of the decrease in sebum rates as well, it is the authors opinion that the results are due to the anti-androgenic properties of Ketokonazole.
The effects of chronic use of 1% ketoconazole or a 1% zinc pyrithione shampoo on the general health of hair and scalp.
G. Pi?rard 1and G. Cauwenbergh2
1. Dept Dermatopathology, University of Li?ge, Belgium; 2. Skin research Center, Johnson &Johnson , Skillman, N.J., USA