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標題: [新閒]貝盧斯科尼:『卡卡將會成為米蘭的隊長』
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註冊 2007-2-22
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發表於 2007-2-22 08:57 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 


Berlusconi: Kaka to be next AC Milan captain

February 15, 2007

AC Milan president Silvio Berlusconi wants to make Kaka his club's next captain.

With Paolo Maldini facing retirement, Berlusconi intends to end all speculation over Kaka's future by naming the young Brazilian club captain.

Berlusconi is adamant that Kaka and Barcelona ace Ronaldinho can play in the same team and revealed: "I've spoken with Ronaldo and he has promised me he will return to his very best while playing in the Milan shirt.

"Kaka? He will become our captain. "

"We haven't had the greatest of seasons, but I am convinced that in the Champions League we will show our worth. And on Saturday we will beat Siena."

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[ 本帖最後由 `BeR-YL=]!! 於 2007-2-23 10:22 PM 編輯 ]

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