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標題: [攻略] 火影忍者:究極風暴2全部獎盃,成就,傳書鳥,通關後資料
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Rank: 1

會員編號 482916
精華 0
積分 114
帖子 56
威望 1 點
I-See幣 1060 錢
GAME幣 110 個
MSN宣傳 0 次
性別  男
配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 40
註冊 2011-5-5
註冊天數 5059
來自 shingshing fans' club
狀態 離線



  遊戲到了最終章時, 嗚人去妙木山修行之前, 如果到達交信信能夠接到任務【14 傳書鳥搜索】, 完成任務後會得到一隻傳信鳥。 而傳書鳥在遊戲中的功用可謂是不可或缺, 諸如「通信任務」、「同伴信件」等都需要靠傳書鳥傳遞。

  【14 傳書鳥搜索】

  依頗者: 交信忍

  地點: 交信所

  攻略: 去演習場會看見小鳥, 玩小遊戲後捕獲成功(就是看準時機目押...)

  獎金: 2000兩

  道具: 無



  任務中的那隻是遊戲中最小型的傳信鳥, 捕捉難度相當低。 其本上就是跑過去按O, 然後看準時機再按O即可。 但要捕捉大鳥的話, 一開始就不能直跑了, 要迴避鳥的視角, 然後從他身後"慢慢"走過去。

  傳書鳥的功能- 信件交遞&收集素材

  完成了14號任務後, 會擁有第一頭傳書鳥。 然後就會收到第一封信件, 所有擁有"一"或以上好感度的同伴便會給你寄信。 收到來信後, 選擇正確的內容再寄出去, 一定時間後, 傳送鳥就會帶來回信。 內容方面選擇"積極有禮"方向的, 一般都會增加好感度。 即使選錯了也能靠道具完滿, 所以隨便猜猜也沒所謂, 每位同伴的來信都有四封, 能回的就是頭三封。 而當遊戲通關後, 甘栗甘店旁邊會出現小說商人, 花500塊能夠從四本小說選一本, 都是劇場版的小說。 閱讀後會收到來信, 然後同樣回信, 來回三~四次左右就會送來一些諸如"「獨一無二」的合成素材, 無論如何選擇都會得到的。 當然, 內容你也不要說得太過份啊。

  而收集素材方面, 當玩家開始去捕捉傳送鳥後。 回到交信所, 你能夠設定放出那隻鳥, 而放出的鳥量設定為五隻, 你能夠隨時更換。 而不同的鳥能夠收集到不同的類型的素材, 你能夠一次過放出五隻鳥去幫忙收集。 當然放出的鳥數越多, 收集的速度、數量、種類也越多, 來信的頻率也會越高啊。

  全遊戲總共有10只傳書鳥, 以下是全傳書鳥的所在地址:

01 - 演習場

  02 - 木ノ葉の森

  03 - 靜動の森

  04 - 曉の據點前

  05 - 靜動の森

  06 - 天地橋

  07 - 木ノ葉の森

  08 - 死の森

  09 - 曉の據點前

  10 - 風の砂漠



  答:很多人都問, 好感度是乾嘛的? 其實好感度算是通關後的要素之一。 因為好感度所帶來的作用很大程度上是通關後才能完全發揮的。

  (1). 援護速度提升- 當通關後, 玩家能在火影之部屋裡自行編成"班"。 換言之, 通關後的部份, 玩家能夠自行組合隊伍。 而面對二週目的各種BT組合和N多附帶條件的戰鬥, 同伴的援護將會是你的通關好幫手, 而越高好感度的同伴, 援護回复的速度就會越快, 功效是.. .?你懂的。

  (2). 友情劇場- 除了用於戰鬥用途之外, 當特定角色們的好感度滿點後, 他們會在不同的場所裡聚在一起, 然後玩家能夠在他們的頭上看到"心心"的標誌, 與其對話後便會上演友情劇場。



  (1). 珍貴的合成素材: 當我看到下圖的時候, 我真的問:「嘩靠!這是什麼東西啊...我一個都看到過耶, 這些素材要在那裡採啊?」每次走過砂肝亭、食事處等等地方, 注文的時候總是看到一大堆沒收集的素材。 然後就很蛋痛, 到處找都沒有, 但其實這些"便當"的素材「絕大部份」都要經過友情劇場後, 由夥伴給予。

  (2). 援護風格解放: 一般同伴的援護都是強行分為「攻擊型」、「防禦形」、「平衡型」三種。 而通過友情劇場後, 同伴的援護風格會解放, 從而可以自行任意選擇三種援護風格。 (非同伴人物用SP開放)

  (3). 了解多一點: 透過有趣的友情劇場, 你能夠更深入地了解不同人物的性格關係。 例如井野喜歡佐井、小櫻&天天&井野會定期在團子店開嘮叨大會、志乃仍然抱怨以前集體做任務時被54等等, 只要是火影的真Fans, 看到這些劇情都會會心微笑。



  (1). 支線任務: 很多與同伴有關的支線都會增加好友度(+1), 例如【18 見世物對戰•其の一】(天天)、【17 リ一との修業】(小李)等等。

  (2). 傳信鳥: 當同伴的好感度已經有一格心心的時候, 就會給你來信, 選擇正確積極的內容時便會上升一格, 有三次機會。

  (3). 道具流: 差過了傳信鳥不要緊, 你能夠去忍具店用10000兩購入「忍術參考書」或者到井野的花店裡買花送給同伴, 道具入手後直接跟同伴對話即可選擇送出與否, 每次加一格心心。 注意: 男的只收忍術參考書、而女的只收花。

  答:同伴們都在木葉村里, 只有堪九郎、手鞠和我愛羅在砂忍村(當然的啊...他們是砂忍好不好...)


  小櫻= 甘栗甘門前

  卡卡西= 食事處門前書店

  佐井= 卡卡西左邊近一樂拉麵

  鹿丸= 火影之部屋門前

  丁次= 燒肉Q門前

  井野= 花店

  寧次= 交信所前大街

  凱&小李= 右分岔路盡頭

  天天= 忍具店對面

  志乃= 木葉大橋

  雛田= 交信所下

  牙= 左分岔路入口

  大和= 忍具店門口

  綱手= 火影之部屋

  我愛羅&手鞠= 風影之屋敷屋頂

  堪九郎= 砂村忍具店左邊

  第五問!怎樣發生友情劇情? 又在那裡發生呢?!

  答:基本都在村內會遇上。 注意, 同伴不能帶在身上, 不然不能觸發劇情, 當同伴的好感度滿點後, 他們會自動聚在一起。

  (如果該人物的劇情全部完結, 他會回到原本位置。)


  人物: 凱&小李&丁次

  地點: 燒肉Q門外

  道具: 霜降り口一ス

  備註: 凱、小李、秋道援護風格解放

  人物: 堪九郎&志乃

  地點: 燒肉Q門外

  道具: ステ一キ

  備註: 堪九郎+志乃援護風格解放

  人物: 綱手

  地點: 甘栗甘門前

  道具: 不眠のハ一ブ

  備註: 綱手援護風格解放, 200兩消費

  人物: 佐井&寧次&雛田

  地點: 甘栗甘門外

  道具: 甘い芋

  備註: 佐井, 寧次, 雛田援護風格解放

  人物: 大和&綱手

  地點: 燒肉Q門外

  道具: 霜降り口一ス

  備註: 大和援護風格解。 (幾十歲人就不要學人減肥了綱手)
人物: 井野&小櫻&天天

  地點: 團子店門外

  道具: ロイヤル蜂蜜

  備註: 小櫻、井野、天天援護風格解放(乙女的怨念真恐怖啊...)

  人物: 牙&志乃&鹿丸

  地點: 食事處門外

  道具: 氣の卵

  備註: 鹿丸、牙援護風格解放(志乃還在不滿三年前奪還佐助的任務被54咧...)

  人物: 卡卡西&大和

  地點: 食事處門外

  道具: ロイヤル蜂蜜

  備註: 卡卡西援護風格解放

  人物: 井野&佐井

  地點: 團子店門外

  道具: 桃色の花弁

  備註: 嗚人你當電燈泡就是你不對咧...自討沒趣。 不過井野和佐井真是絕配啊...

  人物: 丁次+牙+小李

  地點: 食事處門外

  道具: 木ノ葉食堂紹介狀

  備註: 1000兩消費(又是大胃王比賽...)
人物: 小櫻&雛田

  地點: 甘栗甘門外

  道具: 桃色の花弁

  備註: 雛田很可愛...以上

  人物: 凱&卡卡西

  地點: 砂忍村砂肝亭門外

  道具: 不動破りの實

  備註: 鬥快把飯吃完, 凱你又輸了...卡卡西你就這麼不願望展示真面目麼...

  人物: 我愛羅&天天&寧次

  地點: 砂肝亭門外

  道具: 砂肝亭紹介狀

  備註: 風影•我愛羅援護風格解放。 (天天嗚人你們兩個冷靜點...絕對防禦的是寧次和我愛羅...又不是你們...你看他們倆多淡定)

  人物: 手鞠+我愛羅+堪九郎

  地點: 砂肝亭門外

  道具: 鐵釜

  備註: 手鞠援護風格解放。

  人物: 手鞠&鹿丸

  地點: 團子店門外

  道具: 命之砂肝

  備註: 手鞠你竟然來木葉當老師了!?!!!!你是想來跟鹿丸相宿相棲吧!!!!

  ▶全好感度完成後, 【06 「仲間」丸太】瞬身術追加。 【友好滿點】稱號追加。



網戰稱號,網戰稱號如果有一個和你信號不錯的朋友的話那其實是相當的方便的,上來讓1個玩家創建房間,另一個按第2個同等級玩家搜索,那麽很快就能搜到自己的朋友,之後就這樣1人1局的刷,但總有個人要先升級的,這個原本是讓那個還沒升級的玩家去找另外的玩家靠本事升上來,但昨天我和我朋友發現,讓升級的那個玩家繼續開房,然後另一個玩家按第3個 比自己等級高的要求來搜索,經證實也能搜到自己的夥伴~這樣一來刷50場其實就不是什麽大問題了,當然如果不急著截稱號可以慢慢打,畢竟刷還是很枯燥的!

001 Shinobi: You should get this one automatically towards the start of Ultimate Adventure
002 Striking: Perform a combo of at least 40 hits (any mode)
003 Ninjutsu: Win a battle with the final blow being a Ninjutsu attack
004 Ultimate Jutsu: Win a battle with the final blow being an Ultimate Ninjutsu attack
005 Bond: Win a battle, with the final blow being a support character's attack
006 Fox Spirit: Win a battle while using an Awakening
007 Bare: Win a battle with less than 5% of your health remaining
008 Iron-Clad: Win a battle with a perfect victory
009 Overwhelmingly Victorious: Win a battle in 20 seconds or less (Free Battle is best)
010 Ramen-loving: Fight 30 battles as Naruto Uzumaki
011 Peaceful: Fight 30 battles as Naruto Uzumaki (Sennin Mode)
012 Uchiha Clan: Fight 30 battles as Uchiha Sasuke
013 Taka: Fight 30 battles as Sasuke Uchiha (Akatsuki)
014 Sparkling Maiden's Heart: Fight 30 battles as Sakura Haruno
015 Root: Fight 30 battles as Sai
016 Taijustsu: Fight 30 battles as Rock Lee
017 Byakugan: Fight 30 battles as Neji Hyuga
018 Fully-armored: Fight 30 battles as Tenten
019 Nara Clan: Fight 30 battles as Shikamaru Nara
020 Akimichi Clan: Fight 30 battles as Choji Akimichi
021 Yamanaka Clan: Fight 30 battles as Ino Yamanaka
022 Inuzuka Clan: Fight 30 battles as Kiba Inuzuka
023 Aburame Clan: Fight 30 battles as Shino aburame
024 Hyuga Clan: Fight 30 battles as Hinata Hyuga
025 Jinchuriki: Fight 30 battles as Gaara
026 Precious Junior Student: Fight 30 battles as Kankuro
027 Older Sister: Fight 30 battles as Temari
028 Masked: Fight 30 battles as Kakashi Hatake
029 First Hokage: Fight 30 battles as Yamato
030 Hot-Blooded: Fight 30 battles as Gai Maito
031 In Training: Fight 30 battles as Asuma Sarutobi
032 Reanimated: Fight 30 battles as Chiyo
033 Mount Myoboku: Fight 30 battles as Jiraiya
034 Fifth Hokage: Fight 30 battles as Tsunade
035 Seeker: Fight 30 battles as Orochimaru
036 Subordinate: Fight 30 battles as Kabuto
037 Little Brother: Fight 30 battles as Suigetsu Hozuki
038 The Curse Mark: Fight 30 battles as Juugo
039 Clumsy: Fight 30 battles as Karin
040 Older Brother: Fight 30 battles as Itachi Uchiha
041 Renegade: Fight 30 battles as Kisame
042 Upperclassman: Fight 30 battles as Deidara
043 Human Puppet: Fight 30 battles as Sasori
044 Way of Jashin: Fight 30 battles as Hidan
045 Human Wallet: Fight 30 battles as Kakuzu
046 Strongest: Fight 30 battles as Tobi
047 Beautiful: Fight 30 battles as Konan
048 The Real: Fight 30 battles as Pain
049 Punster: Fight 30 battles as Killer Bee
050 The Fourth Hokage: Complete 30 battles as Minato
051 The Main Character: Finish 'The Bell-Stealing Drill' (Ultimate Adventure)
052 The warring tribe's: Finish Chapter 5 (Ultimate Adventure)
053 Novelist: Fight against Pain as Jiraiya (part of the Ultimate Adventure story)
054 One Who Walks The Way Of The Ninja: Finish Last Chapter
055 Eight Tails Hunter: Finish Fragment
056 A fresh new ninja: Complete the 10 trials (Ultimate Adventure)
057 A hardworking ninja to the core: Not sure exactly (part of the Ultimate Adventure story)
058 One Who Overcomes Darkness: Defeat the cursed doll that looks like Orochimaru (Curse Doll request mission)
059 Once who excels in everything: Complete all the events (see 'C@@@@@@@@@uered all events' trophy) (Ultimate Adventure)
060 Full Marks For Friendship: Play through the story
061 Well-off: Buy something in a shop
062 Rich: Spend 500,000 Ryo
063 Very rich: Spend 1,000,000 Ryo
064 Part-timer: Open the shop menu 30 times
065 Poster Girl: Open the shop menu 60 times
066 Store Manager: Open the shop menu 100 times
067 Directly-controlled: Fulfil the bonus condition in every battle in the 'Challenge Main Battle Again' feature of the Hokage's Room post-game. You can track these, they are the red stars shown underneath the rank listed next to each vs battle. (Ultimate Adventure)
068 Medical: Eat 10 bentos (Ultimate Adventure)
069 Capricious: You have to be in lucky state (pray at one of the statues), and find a winning ticket in one of the little signs you can knock over to reveal objects in Konoha.
070 Earnest: Collect 30 Empty Can items. You can find these in the little signs you can knock over to reveal objects in Konoha. (Ultimate Adventure)
071 Sly: Collect 30 Pachinko Ball items. You can find these the same way as title 070. (Ultimate Adventure)
072 The Hidden Village's: Unlock Hokage Naruto
073 Second Hokage: Get the Ninja Card which has a picture of the Second Hokage on it (you get it from the card shop in one of the packs)
074 Third Hokage: Watch all of the Story View videos in the Hokage's Room post-game. You don't have to go through the whole scene, you can skip it by pressing the start button. As long as the '!' symbol next to it disappears, you're good.
075 Student: Watched all Ultimate Jutsu videos in the Collection menu. You don't have to watch the whole video, you can skip them with circle. As long as the '!' symbol next to it disappears, you're good.
076 Mid-Mission: Replay every battle in the 'Challenge Main Battle Again' feature of the Hokage's Room post-game. This goes hand-in-hand with title 067. (Ultimate Adventure)
077 Trusty: Caught 5 birds
078 Naive: Investigated 50 mushrooms
079 Discreet: Use 20 Warp Scrolls (you can buy them from the Item Shop) (Ultimate Adventure)
080 Certainly Victorious: 10 ranked wins online.
081 Explosively Advancing: 20 ranked wins online.
082 Dojo Breaker: 30 ranked wins online.
083 One's Own Ruler: 40 ranked wins online.
084 Omnipotent: 50 ranked wins online.
085 Underdog: Lose 10 ranked matches
086 Survivor: Lose 20 ranked matches



Prologue Complete
You’ve completed the prologue

Chapter 1 complete
You have completed Chapter 1

Chapter 2 complete
You have completed Chapter 2

Chapter 3 Complete
You have completed Chapter 3

Chapter 4 complete
You have completed Chapter 4

Chapter 5 complete
You have completed Chapter 5

Chapter 6 Complete
You have completed Chapter 6

Final chapter Complete
You have completed the final chapter

Naruto’s Friends
You can now use peers from Naruto’s generation

Naruto’s teacher
You can now use Kakashi,Yamato, Gai, and Asuma

Friends from Suna-Gakure
You can now use Gaara,Kankuro,Temari and Chiyo

The legendary San-Nin
You can now use Jiraya,Tsunade,and Orochimaru

Furtive Akatsuki
You can now use all members of the Akatsuki

Hebi is on the way
You can now use Sasuke,Suigetsu,Karin and Jugo

Assassin from Tekken 6
You can now use Lars

Steal Bell expert
You have the S-Rank in the ’steal bell-lesson’ will

Village guards
You got the S-Rank on ’Sand and Art Explosion’

Spared the Puppet Jutsu
You got the S-Rank on ’Sakura’

Unstoppable rampage
You get the S ranking in ’Forbidden Rage

Difference in growing up
You get the S ranking on ’final battle between friends’

Return of the fourth Ho-Kage
You get the S ranking in ’Storm and Stress’

Overflowing hatred
You get the S-Rank on ’The two Uchiha’

Overwhelming hermit
You get the S ranking in ’fight of the hermit of God’

Vision of a new wind
You get the S ranking on ’tremor’

Cursed doll wipe out!
You’ve brought back all the cursed dolls

You got back all Pearl Tontons.

Test passed!
You have completed all 10 tests

Master of the Orders
You have completed all jobs

You have completed all Correspondence Events

All friends are here!
You have seen friendship events for each

Nothing escapes you
You have collected 500 items

Money makes the world
999 999 Ryo saved.

Points Tycoon
You have accumulated 999 999 Forward points

I love ninja tools!
You get all the battle-Items

Roaring business in the country store!
You have collected all the collection items

First processing
A ninja info card processed

News Ninja shocked!
You have collected all Messengers.

Review completed!
You have collected all the memories

Story Collector
100% of the stories found

Thanks for all your time!
Your entire season played over 30 hours

On the way to the Ninja!
You have won 10 times in network battles

Clever Ninja
You have won 50 times in network battles

Fragment completion
You have completed the fragment

All Ninjas assemble!
You can now use all the characters

The inconspicuous detail
You’ve seen all Secret factors

Also known as …
You got 50 tracks

All events managed
You have completed all events

Card collector
You have collected all the ninja info cards

What should I call myself?
You have received all titles.

A Perfect Storm Master
You got all the trophies


50 成就1000 P

· Clear Prologue      5
You’ve cleared the Prologue.

· Clear Chapter One     5
You’ve cleared Chapter One.

· Clear Chapter Two     5
You’ve cleared Chapter Two.

· Clear Chapter Three·    5
You’ve cleared Chapter Three.

· Clear Chapter Four     5
You’ve cleared Chapter Four.

· Clear Chapter Five     5
You’ve cleared Chapter Five.

· Clear Chapter Six     5
You’ve cleared Chapter Six.

· Clear Final Chapter    10
You’ve cleared Final Chapter.

· Clear Fragment    10
You’ve cleared Fragment.

· Naruto’s Friends    5
You can now use members of Naruto’s generation.

· Naruto’s Teachers    5
You can now use Kakashi, Yamato, Guy and Asuma.

· Sand Village Friends    5
You can now use Gaara, Kankuro, Temari and Chiyo.

· The Legendary Sannin  5
You can now use Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru.

· Stealthy Akatsuki    5
You can now use all members of the Akatsuki.

· Hebi on the Move    5
You can now use Sasuke, Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo.

· Assassin from Tekken 6   10
You can now use Lars.

· All ninja assemble!   30
You can now use all characters.

· Bell-Stealing Expert   20
You’ve acquired S Rank in "The Bell-Stealing Drill".

· Village Guardian   20
You’ve acquired S Rank in "Sand and Art Blast".

· At the mercy of Puppet Jutsu    20
You’ve acquired S Rank in "Sakura Dances".

· Unstoppable Rampage  20
You’ve acquired S Rank in "Forbidden Fury".
· Difference in Growth  20
You’ve acquired S Rank in "Showdown Between Best Friends".

· Fourth Hokage’s Back  20
You’ve acquired S Rank in "Sturm und Drang".

· Overflowing Hatred  20
You’ve acquired S Rank in "The Two Uchiha".

· Overwhelming Sage   20
You’ve acquired S Rank in "Battle Between the Sage God".

· Vision of a New Wind  20
You’ve acquired S Rank in "Earth Shatter".

· The Unknowable Moment    100
You’ve seen all secret factors.

· Cursed dolls exterminated!   10
You’ve retrieved all cursed dolls.

· Oink!!  10
You’ve retrieved all Tonton’s pearls.

· Trial accomplished!     10
You’ve cleared the 10 trials.

· Request Master     10
You’ve cleared all requests.

· Ninja of Letters     10
You’ve cleared all correspondence events.

· All Friends Here!     10
You’ve seen friendship events for everyone.

· C@@@@@@@@@uered all events!    50
You’ve cleared all events.

· Nothing escapes you    20
You’ve picked up 500 items.

· Wealth to move nations!    30
Saved up 999999 Ryo.

· Point Tycoon    30
You’ve saved up 999999 Storm Points.

· I Love Ninja Tools!     50
You’ve acquired all battle items.

· General Store Booming!    50
You’ve collected all collection items.

· The First Edit   5
Edited a Ninja Info Card.

· Card Collector   50
You’ve acquired all Ninja Info Cards.

· Also Known As...    20
You’ve gained 50 titles.

· Which name shall I use?  60
You’ve acquired all titles.

· Message Ninja shocked!  10
You’ve collected all messenger birds.

· Review Complete!   20
You’ve seen all memories.

· Story Assembler   30
Collected 100% of the stories.

· Thanks for all your time!  20
Your total play time is over 30 hours.

· On the Path to Ninja!  30
You’ve won 1 time in online Ranked Match battles.

· Dextrous Ninja    60
You’ve won 10 times in online Ranked Match battles.

· A perfect Storm Master.  0
You’ve unlocked all achievements.

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