2012-1-15 02:38 AM
[動作]戰場 Skeleton Lake.720P[BluRay/3.56G]
[動作]戰場 Skeleton Lake.720P[BluRay/3.56G]
【電影名稱】:戰場 Skeleton Lake
【影片格式】:BluRay 720P MKV
【 劇情內容】:
導 演:尼爾馬凱(Neil Mackay)
演 員:布萊恩拉金(Bryan Larkin) 巴布辛柏斯基(Bob Cymbalski) 休蘭姆(Hugh Lambe)
Skeleton Lakes plot synopsis: Six ruthless bank robbers encounter someone far worse. Six bank robbers become stranded in a off the grid forest when their vehicle goes missing during the planning of their escape from the police. Now stranded and on a time crunch to make their flight headed out of the country they try to walk out of the forest. they soon encounter Hugh Lambe as a Vietnam veteran who was mentally damaged somehow in during the conflict and now kills anyone who enters his forest using his military training and some tactics used by the VietCong. At first the bank robbers do not seem to know who they are dealing with, the training and experience their adversary has, but they soon figure it out.
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