I-See 論壇 » 頭像評評站 » Mika Nakashima new single - SAKURA ~花霞~

2008-2-4 01:03 PM S-ECRET;3
Mika Nakashima new single - SAKURA ~花霞~

Mika Nakashima new single - SAKURA ~花霞~
the song is gd
**** 付費信息,已經隱藏 *****

2008-2-4 01:12 PM 糖打令:D
tt 唔mh;
美化1 還可以
字可改 support :>

2008-2-4 02:36 PM destiny719
圖同ban底ge顏色5 mh

2008-2-4 04:21 PM 露莎x]`
tt not so mh lae..
cut can better
meifa is ok ah
words can chg
sup secret=]

2008-2-4 06:22 PM Eunice.
I love the first pic. :loveliness:
And, the words are not suitable for the banner.
All in all, these are really gd making.

2008-2-4 08:12 PM RAIKE
D黑色BH/TT怪怪地 唔太MH
溶得唔夠自然 其他都可以

2008-2-4 08:26 PM tsz-魁.
對 xD"
美 嘉 的 這 歌 聽 了 ;
很 正 -W-"
調 色 都 很 美 -W-"
字 也 很 岩 ; 但 太 花 `

2008-2-5 12:26 AM bLUEN
2 好 d ,
1 擦得好怪 .
我鍾意 d 花 xd

2008-2-6 10:23 AM lilyandlily
bg has too many details
not so match
forget to help you make a ban tim XD
plz wait la

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